"THE CREDIT YOU DESERVE" Your credit report influences your ability to obtain purchases on credit as well as your ability to rent an apartment, purchase a home, secure a job or buy insurance. Although credit problems are common, few people understand how their credit history is collected and reported. Auto One wants you to understand your credit, credit reports and credit scores. we'll show you how and why a good credit rating can "change your life." Included in on this page is information on how to fix mistakes in your credit report and steps you can take to improve your credit score. Reading this site is your first step towards getting "The Credit You Deserve." if your credit history needs help, I hope you will utilize the information contained in this website for your benefit. Auto One truly wants to help play a part in helping you "change your credit & change your life" Sincerely, Gary R. Jacobsen, Pres. Auto One Inc. |
Your Credit History Before creditors will extend you credit, they want some confidence you will be able to repay them. To determine whether they should extend you credit, creditors consider factors such as your income, how long you have lived in the same place and have held the same job, what you own, how much you owe to other creditors, how much credit cards you have, whether you have ever had a legal judgment against you and whether you pay your bills on time. Your Credit Score The information in your credit history is used to create your credit score, a three-digit number that shows how likely you are to pay your debts, based on statistics of how millions of other people pay their debts. The higher you score, the more likely you are to be a good credit risk for a creditor. Credit scores usually range from the 300's to about 850. Usually, you need a score at least in the low 600's to get a mortgage. Most companies charge lower interest rates to people with higher scores. If your credit history is bad and your score is low because of too much spending and poor bill-paying habits, don't despair. With a little time and a bit more discipline, you can improve your credit profile. Credit scores change with each piece of information they receive from you. Because the scoring system gives extra weight to the most recent activity, the positive steps you take today may make a quick improvement in your score. Where to find your Credit Information Pull your credit once a year for free at www.annualcreditreport.com You can also request your credit report and credit score from these agencies by mail, phone or e-mail for a small fee. Equifax Information Services, LLC P.O. Box 740241 Atlanta, GA 30374-241 (800) 888-4213 www.equifax.com TransUnion, LLC Consumer Disclosure Center P.O. Box 1000 Chester, PA 19022 (800) 888-4213 www.transunion.com Experian National Consumer Assistance Center P.O. Box 2104 Allen,TX 75013 (888) 397-3742 www.experian.com Here are some suggestions:
How much do I need down?
Everyone else has turned me down. Why will you be any different? |